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Page history last edited by Sanford 15 years, 1 month ago

nextNY Softball - Entrepreneurs vs. The World!


Friday, August 21, 6PM at Hecksher Field #2 in Central Park


Enter park at either Columbus Circle or 7th Ave and Central Park South.  Field is right were 63rd/7th would be if the park didn't exist.  #2 is the southeast field.


View game details on Sportsvite --



Sportsvite will also be giving out headbands and sunflower seeds at the field.

Special prize to game MVP (determined by CEO).


Entrepreneurs Team - You must be currently employed as the founder of a company.


1. Charlie O'Donnell

2. Sanford Dickert - I have to cancel at last minute - client insanity.

3. Tim Marman

4. Stuart Schultz

5. sam lessin

6. Michael Galpert

7. Chris Danzig

8. Brian Litvack

9. Neal Shenoy

10. Jonathan Berger (might have to leave early, but I'll leave my mitt)

11. Anthony Ina

12. Nate Westheimer

13. Vin Bhat

14. Ross Cohen



World Team - Investors, Product Mgrs, Devs, BD, Creatives, etc...


1. Benjamin Bloom



4. Jason Mandell

5. Dan Frommer

6. Joe Weisenthal

7. Dan Gellert

8. Kristin Maverick

9. Chantelle Karl

10.Scott Malish

11. Michelle DeForest

12. Brian Van

13. Jay Yarow

14. Barry Rehfeld
