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Page history last edited by @epc 16 years, 4 months ago

April 27th... Coppersmith's 6PM-9PM


It's been a little while since we've had a bigtime shindig, so let's really pull out the stops on getting folks to show up and have a great time!


We're mixing it up and spreading ourselves out... Midtown West this time.



793 9th Avenue (bet 52nd/53rd)







  1. Charlie O'Donnell
  2. Jeff Frese
  3. Tony Jones
  4. Steve Eisenberg
  5. Rachel Clarke
  6. Ian Forrester
  7. Sarah Forrester
  8. Mica Scalin
  9. "Erin Freeley"
  10. Jonah Keegan
  11. Jeremy Pollack
  12. Tracy Sheridan
  13. Avi Karnani
  14. David Chen
  15. Evan Sandhaus

What time do you all want to meet up?

  1. Paul Pangaro
  2. Lee Semel
  3. John Hui
  4. Karen Xie
  5. Anthony Lobosco
  6. A. Jakulin
  7. Brett P
  8. Ben Stein
  9. Nate Westheimer
  10. Matthew Semel
  11. Vikas Sapra