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Page history last edited by @epc 16 years, 4 months ago

After you head to the NYU ITP Winter Show, join us for nextNY Holiday Drinks at Bom Bar from 7-10 on Monday, December 17th.


ITP students exhibit work from the Fall 2007 semester at the annual Winter Show on Monday, December 17 from 5-9pm.


ITP is located at 721 Broadway, corner of Waverly Place, on the 4th floor of the Tisch School of the Arts Building. Please take the South elevators on the left to the 4th floor.


Admission is free and open to the public, no reservations required.



Following the exhibition join NextNY-ers for our favorite activities Drinking and Talking about NY Tech/Media scene!


Apple Restaurant and Bom Bar:


located at

17 Waverly Pl. Between Green and Mercer

Map: http://tinyurl.com/2k5rf8

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RSVP BELOW or on Facebook

  1. Mica Scalin
  2. Charlie O'Donnell
  3. Andrew Baisley
  4. Jonah Keegan
  5. Asi Burak
  6. Nate Westheimer (looking forward to it. the holiday party last year was my first nextNY event!)
  7. Steven Blinn
  8. Avishai Weiss
  9. Tony Bacigalupo Hooray Christmas!
  10. Josephine Dorado
  11. Peter Chislett
  12. Shreyas Pandit
  13. David Wang
  14. Adam Quirk
  15. Abhi Sachdev
  16. Dana Spiegel
  17. Alex Lines
  18. Vivek Sharma
  19. Michael Galpert
  20. Eran Hammer-Lahav
  21. Matt Singer
  22. Peter Verkooijen
  23. Wilson Lopez
  24. Ken Berger
  25. Colin McDonald
  26. Orian Marx