
Group Statistics

Page history last edited by @epc 15 years, 10 months ago

 The NextNY Digital Google Group was founded in March 2006.


As of April 1, 2009 it had 2169 members (note that there may be duplicates, that is members signed up with multiple addresses).


The Google Group does not provide an easy way to analyze messages (ie, message volume, who the top posters have been historically) and while some of the data is available either to members or the group managers, it’s not in a format that’s readily analyzable.  There’s also some just weird data, with several members showing a “join date” of 12/31/69 which indicates someone’s struct_tm got overrun somewhere.


Also see: 2008 Survey Summary


NextNY Monthly Membership Growth by Month:

NextNY Members By Month Bar Chart 

Google Chart


The peak month for growth was November 2007 (139) followed by June 2007 (99) and September 2008 (97).  I believe those bursts correspond to events like MatchupCamp and @ShakeShack.


Membership by year:

NextNY Members By Year 


Delivery Method

Members can choose to receive posts to the group as email (full, daily digest, abridged email, no email).

Email vs Web Only


Delivery Methods


E-Mail Domains

GMail: 1785

Other: 320

Yahoo: 56

Hotmail: 17

AOL: 5 


Silly analyses

New members by month, regardless of year:

Members by month  

New members by day of month:

Membership by day of month

New members by time of day:

nextNY new members by hour of day

This is fudged a bit, the timestamps in the member database appear to be Pacific time so I shifted them by three hours.  There’s no way to tell if there's a DST adjustment or not.


New members by day of week:

NextNY New Members by Day of Week


Charts Created using Google Chart Creator by James Allen